How to Learn – How to Teach

Parents and Students Edition

Table of Contents

Introduction & Forward i
Why This Book and Manual were Written ≈ What's in it for You.
About This Book iii
This Book Was Written for the Average Mom & Dad, Student and Teacher ≈ It is Not an Academic Tome ≈ It is the Result of Empirical Research, Test, and Observation: Not Theoretical Musings ≈ We Invite You to Test and Experience What We and Others Have found to be Simple, Self Evident, Workable Truths.
The Importance of This Book & Manual iv
It is Attainable That We Learn With Full Comprehension One-Hundred Percent Of What is Presented to Us and Have the Ability to Masterfully Apply All That is Learned During Our Studies. ≈ A very personal story of how a bright young star was crushed by bad educators ≈ Literacy rates and comprehension levels, even among university graduates, continue to drop according to government studies.
How to Use This Manual vii
You can read this manual as a book—or you can do it as a course ≈ Parents and teachers will use this manual to learn how to effectively and easily help their children and students learn without impeding them ≈ Students will use this manual to learn how to learn without being impeded by the barriers to comprehension ≈ What to look out for when using this manual.
Course Progress Checklist—How to Learn: How to Teach ix
This is the checklist that takes you through this manual when you choose to do it as a study course.

Part One

Chapter One 1
Learning and Studying are different ≈ We each have our own learning style and method ≈ The ability to learn is a faculty we all have—Young children do it naturally—The big question is: What gets in its way? ≈ Dyslexia is not correctly understood: It may well be the mark of a higher level ability that is being suppressed and impeded ≈ What is the real you that is engaged in this learning process? ≈ What is holographic learning? ≈ Your child's sovereignty and self-determinism trump both "nature" and "nurture" ≈ Who are the exemplars who have done this right for 75 years?
Chapter Two 18
The Seven Barriers to Comprehension that Block Learning
Chapter Three 20
Learning Barrier One
The Purpose & Value of a Subject and Your Intention for Studying It ≈ What is the # 1 cause of losing student interest and attention in class? ≈ Is this the key reason you did poorly in the subjects you did poorly in? ≈ What is the # 1 cause of incorrect or less than optimum application of what is learned?
Chapter Four 25
Learning Barrier Two
Precepts and False or Preconceived Notions of What is Correct or Should Be ≈ Do you already think you know all about this?—Think again: You're blocking your ability to learn ≈ How what you think you know blocks comprehension and truth ≈ How precepts block the ability to learn and interfere with the ability to apply what is learned.
Chapter Five 32
Learning Barrier Three
Misunderstood Words, Terms, Symbols and Absent Definitions ≈ In the presence of non-defined words, terms or symbols a person is unable to perform—and if forced to do so will likely do so incorrectly ≈ In the presence of non-comprehended words, terms or symbols a person goes mentally blank and incompetent ≈ The omitted definition that killed effective education in America ≈ Ever wonder why people never get what you say or ask of them, but give you something else? This is your answer why! ≈ The physical and mental symptoms experienced when you go past non-comprehended or misunderstood words, terms or symbols ≈ How to learn definitions from a dictionary ≈ The physical symptom that tells you have a non-comprehension.
Chapter Six 46
Learning Barrier Four
By-passed Gradients ≈ Why do you get dizzy when you are studying? ≈ Why do you get faint when you are trying to do something physical that's new? ≈ Knowing what strikes terror into the hearts of students ≈ It's not the level or point in the study that you appear to be having difficulty with that's the trouble—look earlier ≈ The earlier missed step that causes later trouble ≈ The physical symptom that tells you have a by-passed gradient.
Chapter Seven 52
Learning Barrier Five
An Imbalance of Action and Theory or Mass and Significance ≈ Ever wondered why you had run into a "brick wall" when studying some subjects?—Why you had gone weak and unable to function on others? ≈ Why good dictionaries give you pictures ≈ Why pictures are worth a thousand words ≈ The physical symptom that tells you have an imbalance of action to theory or mass to significance.
Chapter Eight 58
Learning Barrier Six
Lack of Appreciation ≈ A big subject and important to life and learning ≈ Failure to appreciate the parts of what is being studied, their significance, relative importance, applicability, use or value, will lead to a failure to fully comprehend, benefit from and correctly apply what is being studied and learned.
Chapter Nine 60
Learning Barrier Seven
Failure to recognize and assign correct and relative orders of importance ≈ Are you bogged down on the merely useful and mundane? ≈ Are you missing the essentials? ≈ On any subject, there are things that are vital you understand and can do, and there are things that are merely useful, and then there are the things that are irrelevant or only entertaining ≈ Learn the important difference and how to use it.
Chapter Ten 96
Mastering the Learning Process ≈ How Learning Masters Operate
Learning is the successful outcome of a correct study process ≈ Learning requires full comprehension of what is studied ≈ Successful application of what has been learned is the hallmark of competence ≈ The importance of learning and its effect on a successful life ≈ Errors in the learning process lead to non-comprehension, which results in immobility and loss of liveliness ≈ All of life is a learning curve—so you better learn how to do it well!
Appendix and Addendum 101
The odds and ends you'll need when you choose to do this manual as a Study Course.
The Workbook of Exercises 109
These are the exercises we have created that address your basic abilities related to study and learning ≈ Recovering the ability to knowingly do what you are doing when you are doing it, and to do it under your aware control ≈ The action of knowingly exercising: the key to empowering ability (it's what athletes do when they train).

The Workbook has been created as a stand-alone volume. Its contents are:

1. Recovering Purpose and Intention in study and learning 110
2. Recognizing and eliminating false or preconceived notions of what is or should be, precepts, negative beliefs and thoughts 116
3. Recognizing and undoing non-comprehension 118
4. Clarifying Misunderstood and Absent Definitions 119
5. Recognizing and handling the overwhelm and "too much" of by-passed gradients 121
6. Recognizing and handling the imbalance of Action & Theory or Mass & Significance 124
7. Restoring the recognition of value and the appreciation thereof 127
8. Recognizing the need and recovering the ability to assign correct & relative orders of importance 129

Exercise tools, items and processes:

Future Alignment Process 133
The Purpose and Power of Writing Success Stories 134
Unpleasant Sensation Handling 136
Celebration of Regained Abilities, States and Wins Procedure 138
Endnotes 140
Additional Information to Explain, Clarify or Verify Material in this Manual
The Index 140
The list of Who's and What's and their location in this manual

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